01732 866 418
07583 457 107
Be Safe. Be Compliant

The Tagway scaffold inspection team travel where the work takes it. Tagway is based in Kent - our service is available throughout London, the Home Counties and the south east.

TAGWAY'S SCAFFOLD INSPECTION – Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the most commonly asked questions we receive from potential clients enquiring about Tagway's scaffold inspection services.

Are scaffold inspections mandatory?

The simple answer is YES. To meet the requirements of the Work at Height Regulations 2005. Regulation 12 and Schedule 7, scaffolding should be inspected A) After installation/prior to being used B) At least weekly thereafter and C) Following any circumstances which could jeopardise the safety of the installation such as adverse weather conditions.

Who can undertake the inspection of scaffolding?

A non-scaffolder could be deemed competent to inspect a basic installation that has attended the CISRS scaffold inspection course, on more complex structures inspections should be undertaken by a CISRS Advanced Scaffold Inspection card holder. At Tagway, not only are our inspectors qualified to CISRS Advanced Scaffold Inspection level but they are experienced scaffolders with many years practical, hands-on knowledge to make sure nothing gets missed.

Why do Tagway use the Safetrak system?

Safetrak is, in our view, the simplest way to share the latest reports and onsite information between scaffold contractors, end-client and sub contractors. Safetrak provides a clear, visible and auditable trail of inspections, endorsements, recommendations and actions Tagway supply to the client. Tagway's Safetrak Inspection reports are also obtainable from any web enabled device.

Do you offer inspections for scaffold erections on the railways?

Yes. Tagway Limited are accredited to inspect scaffold erected on and around rail infrastructure Tagway hold the required Personal Track Safety Qualification (PTS card).

Who do Tagway work for?

Our customers range from small scaffold companies to large main build construction contractors, roofing contractors and engineering contractors. Tagway Limited provide one-off scaffold audits to regular 7-day scaffold inspections. our attitude is definitely no job is too small.

What are the benefits of using Tagway the independent scaffold inspection experts?

Not only does Tagway safeguard your required legal obligations but we give impartial advice and direction where it is needed. The reaction given by both clients and scaffold companies has been tremendous. Clients know everything is being done to keep sites compliant, scaffolders benefit from the independence of the inspection, from experienced scaffold inspectors who understand this specialist trade. And in the highly unlikely event of an incident onsite, both party's have the the assurance that protocols were kept and the workmanship had been assessed by an independent scaffold inspection service.

What are the penalties for non-compliance?

Not keeping compliant could land you with a minimum fine of £2000. Should your scaffold be condemned and the site closed, a minimum fine of £2000 could be the least of your problems. With overruns and other trades being locked out, the financial cost could easily spiral into a figure that dwarfs the initial fine.

Have you a question you'd like to ask us? Use our contact form and a member of the Tagway will be in touch with an answer. Alternatively, call us on 01732 866 418