01732 866 418
07583 457 107
Be Safe. Be Compliant

The Tagway scaffold inspection team travel where the work takes it. Tagway is based in Kent - our service is available throughout London, the Home Counties and the south east.

Tagway Limited's independent inspection services are conducted by experienced scaffolders who are fully qualified to inspect your scaffold structures. Call Tagway today on 01732 866 418

Tagway's Scaffold inspections really can make a difference. Failure to comply with weekly inspections could result in a fine, with HSE possibly condemning your scaffold and shutting down your site. Protect the reputation of your company and ensure all scaffold structures are inspected at least every 7 days. Tagway can protect your business from fines of a minimum £2000. The HSE do not discriminate between huge projects or a small house extension. The new CDM regulations 2015 make you responsible for compliance.

It is now a legal requirement for all scaffold structures to be inspected prior to handover and every 7 days thereafter or following any adverse weather conditions and/or ay alterations. Scaffold inspections must be carried out by a 'competent person' with the correct level of training. Tagway have inspectors qualified to inspect both basic and advanced designed scaffolds and give a client or contractor piece of mind, knowing the scaffold is regularly inspected and safe for use.

Tagway's inspection service includes: Weekly inspections by a fully qualified inspector, Handover certificates, Inspection certificates (Tagway use the Safetrak system), Pull Testing certificates, Fully detailed reports (including photographs where required) and Fall Arrest Safety Equipment (FASET) Testing.

We also offer: Scheduled weekly inspections, one-off & ad-hoc scaffold inspections and full Scaffold Audits

'Our clients benefit from a faster service, with the ability to manage all scaffold requests and decommisioning, as well as making sure all scaffold structure have complied with current legislation. Generate reports for structures that have passed, failed or are due an inspection. Safety is the number one priority for any scaffold structure– our Safetrak system simplifies the process, minimising disruption while minimising the costs.'